Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ocular Migraine And Lymes

the News Center: Anti-Gym ®

From February at our center will be a certified teacher during Antiginnastica ®, which is useful for muscle spasms and stiffness joints.

At any age, the muscle is malleable and thanks all'Antiginnastica ® gradually learn to free yourself from those painful tension that restrict your life force. The movements you do with small but extremely precise, rigorous and respectful of physiology at your own pace and according to more possibilities of the moment.

Each session is an opportunity to enter new territories, or discovering and awaken every muscle, from the known to the most ignored: small experiences that allow you to sharpen your perceptions.

Antiginnastica Do ® means to travel through your body and your history to find out how, throughout life, it was organized, protected, be adjusted.

The Antiginnastica ® is practiced in small groups, with weekly sessions lasting an hour and a half.

The site of Bianca Vitali Rosati www.biancamariavitalirosati.it

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nutro Dog Food Origin

Lactose intolerance - evidence of experience with the new medicine

testimony translated from the site of Pilhar 13.12.2008

Hello Mr. Pilhar,

just recently have agreed to Karlsbad, now I send a direct testimony about the Germanic New Medicine to be published.

I am 49 years old, married and have two adult children. I approached the NMG about five months ago and I read everything I could about the dr. Hamer.

the age of 6 have been separated for the first time my parents to be sent on vacation / recovery. At the age of 6 years no one starts to think about how it will be put on a train to be shipped, for 4 weeks to about 600 km of the house, until the time comes. On the train and go. Only a strange woman came with me.
The first 15 days were hell and I was forced to drink milk for the first time. I do not know, I have opposed and tried to refuse the milk, but without success. I refused the food even in part, without success.
This episode has stayed with me until about four weeks ago and this created a binary against the milk. My wife used to me possible only lactose-free milk or cream. Every now and then I had always rejected the regular milk or drink chocolate milk. The results were always the same: within 5 or 10 minutes I was a severe diarrhea. The same effect caused sauces prepared containing powdered milk.
When we went to go eat, running to the bathroom 10 minutes after lunch was taken into consideration.
All this as we have said up to about 4 weeks ago. Then I remembered the most serious cases of long ago: the cow pasture in front of me in the eyes every day, the milk and refused the abrupt separation. Suddenly I realized what was the cause.
I went to the refrigerator and took a carton of milk with normal 3.5% fat, and drank a whole glass in two gulps and waited. Nothing happened, then taken a second and a third glass and waited for the reaction, nothing. I went swimming for about an hour with my wife and nothing happened.
I wanted to check exactly with my wife and I went to the grocery store to buy a drink 2 liters of milk chocolate. My wife was incredulous. At home I drank 2 liters in the next two days at different times, sometimes before, sometimes after eating, and nothing happened.

far (12.12.2008) I have not had diarrhea.

I can only thank Dr. Hamer for his fight for a drug
Anyone wishing to explore these issues is invited to attend the seminar to be held at the New Medicine Centrolistico the weekend of 12 and February 13, to find out more click here