Epidural Anesthesia in Dogs and Cats (Part II)
Continued from "Part I"
epidural injection in cats and dogs is almost always done through the lumbosacral space, however, large dogs can sometimes be exploited space sacro-coccygeal.
If it is true that, in dogs, the procedure may sometimes does not require general anesthesia, it becomes essential in the cat.
an important aspect sometimes overlooked in the course of epidural anesthesia is the prevention and treatment of hypotension produced by the blockade of the sympathetic system, which occurs after epidural injection of local anesthetics. Pets undergoing cesarean delivery appear to be particularly susceptible to this problem. It is recommended that the infusion of 20 ml / kg Ringer's lactate in both dogs and cats such as vascular support budget. In practice, this means a gain peripheral venous access and start as soon as the administration of fluids. The infusion may occur during site preparation and execution epidural injection.
positioning of the animal for the procedure may be the lateral decubitus position, both right and left, or sternal recumbency. In lateral decubitus position before the rear limbs are pulled in sternal recumbency they are brought under the animal and cranially. This placement ensures the best allocation between the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.
The landmarks for the correct location of the injection site are the wings of the ileum and the dorsal spinous processes of the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. Grade and, when possible, positioning sternum, which is easier to determine with precision the median sagittal line in which to insert the needle. The outer corners of the iliac wings should be palpated with the thumb and middle fingers, while the index is headed aboralmente. The crack is localized to the lumbosacral palpation, as a depression immediately caudal to the dorsal spinous process of the seventh lumbar vertebra. The needle cord is then inserted, slowly, with an angle of 90 degrees to the skin, taking care to put exactly on the median sagittal line. A button of local anesthetic can be performed in the conscious, even if an excess of anesthetic injected into tissues could distort the normal profile of the site, making more difficult the next step. The needle
choice is dictated by the size of the animal. A spinal needle 22 Gauge / 2.5 cm is applied in cats and small dogs, one of 20 Gauge / 3.8 cm in medium-sized dogs and a 18-Gauge / 7.5 cm in large dogs size.
by advancing the needle, when it encounters and beyond the ligament interarcuato, is more or less clearly discernible a sensation similar to needle passage through a thin plastic sheet. Should not you notice the passage of ligament and is met with resistance by bone, you just need to withdraw the needle and replace it with more appropriate direction.
The best way to ensure that the pin into the needle reaches the epidural space is actually the "test of strength loss." Injecting up to 2 ml of air or saline, the absence of resistance, confirming the correct location. Once the needle, you must ensure that there cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or blood through it before starting the injection. The leakage of CSF indicates a subarachnoid puncture, in such cases, you can also inject, halving the calculated dose. In the case of bleeding from the needle is necessary to remove it and repeat the operation, since an accidental intravenous administration may result in signs of acute toxicity from local anesthetics, such as convulsions, cardiopulmonary depression, up to cardiac arrest and, of course , not to produce the desired local analgesia.
The anesthetic solution should be injected slowly, over a period of 30-60 seconds and must be at room temperature body.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sample Thank You Letter After Destination Wedding
Epidural Anesthesia in Dogs and Cats (Part I)
Jump to "Part II"
Epidural anesthesia in a Siamese cat with hip fracture. (Lidocaine - Morphine)
Jump to "Part II"
Epidural analgesia was first used in dogs for testing in 1885 (Corning, 1885). Some years later, Bier (1899) described the technique of epidural anesthesia in dogs and on himself, and only in 1935 Brook instructions to study it in different domestic species.
Towards the end of the 50s began to be applied in clinical epidural analgesia in dogs and a little later also in the cat.
More recently the technique has found a renewed interest, with particular attention to the use, in the epidural, new mixtures of local anesthetics and opioid drugs.
Retrieve anatomical
The meninges are the membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord and brain. They consist of three membranes: the dura mater, the arachnoid and the pia mater.
The dura mater is sometimes also called pachymeningitis, because of its fibrous nature and strong, while the arachnoid and pia mater, in combination, are called leptomeninges, for the most subtle.
in the spinal cord, the dura is separated from the periosteum of the spinal epidural cavity, filled with semi-fluid grease (to the physiological body temperature) and the vertebral venous sinuses.
The spinal dura mater at the level of foramen magnum, it continues in the meningeal layer of the intracranial dura mater.
The spinal dura mater is a long sleeve that surrounds the spinal cord. It has tubular extensions, placed laterally, which cover the spinal nerve roots, accompanying them through the intervertebral foramina. At the point where the dorsal root and come together to form the ventral nerve cord, the dura mater merges into a single sleeve which continues as epinevrio spinal nerve.
capillary space between the dura and arachnoid is the subdural space, containing a small amount of liquid.
Caudally, dura mater of spinal cord narrows to form a part of the filum terminale. The dura surrounding the filum terminale of the pia mater, with which it is based and, extending caudally, takes attack to the periosteum of the vertebral canal at the level of 7-8th coccygeal vertebra. It has the function of anchoring the dural sac and spinal cord caudally.
The spinal arachnoid is a thin transparent tube enclosing the spinal cord and that, similarly to the dura mater, has extensions that surround the dorsal and ventral nerve roots.
The cavity is represented by the subarachnoid space between the pia mater and arachnoid membrane. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which pushes the arachnoid peripherally, keeping it immobilized to the overlying dura mater. The tank
lumbar subarachnoid cavity encloses the spinal nerves of the cauda equina. The tank is reduced to the level of the lumbosacral foramen and ends, gradually narrowing at the level of first sacral vertebra.
The spinal pia mater is a highly vascular membrane which adheres closely to the spinal cord and nerve roots that are detached from it, forming part of the epineurial covering.
phenomena that lead to paralysis of the spinal nerves are more complex than in peripheral nerves. This is due to the heterogeneity of the fibers forming the spinal nerve. The sensory pathways are inhibited more rapidly than the motor pathways and sympathetic fibers are more susceptible. The spinal nerves arise from the union of two roots: a dorsal sensory and ventral motor. In dogs and cats in the foramina is the union, except in the lumbar region, sacrum and coccyx, which occurs inside the spinal canal.
Continue "Part II"
Towards the end of the 50s began to be applied in clinical epidural analgesia in dogs and a little later also in the cat.
More recently the technique has found a renewed interest, with particular attention to the use, in the epidural, new mixtures of local anesthetics and opioid drugs.
Retrieve anatomical
The meninges are the membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord and brain. They consist of three membranes: the dura mater, the arachnoid and the pia mater.
The dura mater is sometimes also called pachymeningitis, because of its fibrous nature and strong, while the arachnoid and pia mater, in combination, are called leptomeninges, for the most subtle.
in the spinal cord, the dura is separated from the periosteum of the spinal epidural cavity, filled with semi-fluid grease (to the physiological body temperature) and the vertebral venous sinuses.
The spinal dura mater at the level of foramen magnum, it continues in the meningeal layer of the intracranial dura mater.
The spinal dura mater is a long sleeve that surrounds the spinal cord. It has tubular extensions, placed laterally, which cover the spinal nerve roots, accompanying them through the intervertebral foramina. At the point where the dorsal root and come together to form the ventral nerve cord, the dura mater merges into a single sleeve which continues as epinevrio spinal nerve.
capillary space between the dura and arachnoid is the subdural space, containing a small amount of liquid.
Caudally, dura mater of spinal cord narrows to form a part of the filum terminale. The dura surrounding the filum terminale of the pia mater, with which it is based and, extending caudally, takes attack to the periosteum of the vertebral canal at the level of 7-8th coccygeal vertebra. It has the function of anchoring the dural sac and spinal cord caudally.
The spinal arachnoid is a thin transparent tube enclosing the spinal cord and that, similarly to the dura mater, has extensions that surround the dorsal and ventral nerve roots.
The cavity is represented by the subarachnoid space between the pia mater and arachnoid membrane. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which pushes the arachnoid peripherally, keeping it immobilized to the overlying dura mater. The tank
lumbar subarachnoid cavity encloses the spinal nerves of the cauda equina. The tank is reduced to the level of the lumbosacral foramen and ends, gradually narrowing at the level of first sacral vertebra.
The spinal pia mater is a highly vascular membrane which adheres closely to the spinal cord and nerve roots that are detached from it, forming part of the epineurial covering.
phenomena that lead to paralysis of the spinal nerves are more complex than in peripheral nerves. This is due to the heterogeneity of the fibers forming the spinal nerve. The sensory pathways are inhibited more rapidly than the motor pathways and sympathetic fibers are more susceptible. The spinal nerves arise from the union of two roots: a dorsal sensory and ventral motor. In dogs and cats in the foramina is the union, except in the lumbar region, sacrum and coccyx, which occurs inside the spinal canal.
Continue "Part II"
Monday, June 18, 2007
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