Staying in the area of \u200b\u200bDesign I wanted to point out some of the logos as more "deserving" by users according to a survey held by JustCreativeDesign .
to you the Last Judgement.
Loch Ness Partnership logo.
Winner: Logo of the month June 2009
Designer: Navy Blue Design Group (David Needham)
Usedthe symbolism of the "quotes" in place of the letters A and E that reflect and recreate the image with the words and the meaning of the brand.
Winner: Logo Of The Month November 2008
Designer: Nest
"Logo for Coffee Cup Coffee House. Note that the logo coffee cup is made by the letters "CUP". "
Winner: Logo of the month of May 2009
Designer: Jan Zabransky
Friedman Psychology
Winner: Logo of the Month for February 2009
Designer: Mihai Mugar
Swan Songs
Macnab Design Other logos are available on this page JustCreativeDesign Logos Top 12 of 2009
also for those interested and / or would find inspiration there is also a good reference site to which they are using arriavata Dexigner called wold.
Wold collects the best logos and allows users themselves to vote for their favorite logo.
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