Often when you start or resume practice in a discipline motor in September after the summer break, it happens that the muscles and joints are at least initially bothered by inflammation and the accumulation of unpleasant ' lactic acid, the main difference developed during metabolic activity.
To avoid these troubles just start a few days in advance of the resumption of one-hour sessions with brief training sessions for 15 or 20 minutes including a heating joints, toning exercises and stretching and a short session cool-down, mostly to the deep abdominal breathing. A good mix effectively includes a mini circuit involving all major groups of muscles throughout the body, avoiding the isolation of single muscle and instead using the muscles in harmony mainly involved in the maintenance of posture, one that Pilates has appointed Power House. It can therefore
start with the front and side stretch standing (the first movements of the sun salutation and half moon's position) and then continue with the lunges, alternating legs for ten repetitions, then sit back and do the lifting that involve high and low groups, abdominal like the crunch and stretch the legs of Pilates. It continues with the position of the front stretch and twist side Paschimottanasana Matsyendrasana. Once these muscles stretched
complete the circuit by the lifting of the legs in position fours doing the Pilates exercise called "all fours" at this point we conclude with the position of the cat and its breathing and sit cross-legged first to begin breathing final.
In this last phase you lie down with legs bent and feet placed on the floor in order to keep your lower back firmly on the ground and holding her hands on the abdomen of deep breaths will do by inflating the abdomen during inhalation and pressing lightly with your hands as you exhale to lower the navel toward the spine.
Throughout the session should last about 15 or at most 20 minutes whereas from 3 to 5 minutes for breathing. Performing this sequence
preferably once or twice daily (morning and dusk) to make sure our body painless a recovery of our favorite activities.
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