Monday, August 2, 2010

Pittsburgh Women Fitness

Since the early years of his medical career, Yayama had realized the inadequacy by conventional medical treatment, thanks to the inspired teacher karte Kenichi Sawai , Qigong , Ritsu zen, meditative Eastern system of care, and has gradually developed its own method for combining the exercise of Qi with conventional medical care.
Yayama originally came to Qigong through his long study of karate and other martial arts: all text is in fact interwoven with elements from these traditions. In an extremely easy and accessible style, Yayama explains how to increase the power of Qi and thus learn to treat themselves and others.
( click image for more info on the book )
Master Ya
yama is working with the Master Kenji Tokitsu
with which to set up a series of preparatory exercises and the Implementation of the mental and physical regeneration. According

Yayama greater power of Qi, increase vitality, expand consciousness and relieves the pain a lot and it encourages wellbeing and prevention of disorders, can make treatment more effective and more rapid healing of a specific disease. It also allows you to live in a completely new, more conscious and meditative. For many years, Yayama continued to use Qi to help others in the exercise of his profession as a doctor. This book is the fruit of his long experience. If
although not directly connected to this school can be considered, in our opinion, a leading figure in the art of qi gong therapy is also the master of Greek origin
Ilias Calimintzos
recommend for those looking for a approach to the practice of contact Maestro Gianni Canfora, who enjoys a lasting practice is with the M. Tokitsu with both M. Calimintzos (info.335/6659079)


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