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Yogis arriving from around the world, 19 and 20 March, to celebrate what would have been the 88th birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, passed away on February 23 in Genoa. Sahaja Yoga (Sanskrit, "yoga spontaneous") is a spiritual movement founded in 1970 and published today in over one hundred countries. Shri Mataji, a candidate in 1996 for the Nobel Prize for Peace, is considered by many as the most important in the history of spirituality guru
-> 17/03/11 - Thousands of people from around the world are expected on 19 and 20 March in Cabella Ligure (Alessandria) to celebrate what would have been the 88th birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, the disappearance February 23 in Genoa. Sahaja Yoga (Sanskrit, "yoga spontaneous") is a spiritual movement spread to over one hundred countries, embracing the values \u200b\u200band elements of all major religions. Shri Mataji, candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered by many as a major guru in the history of spirituality.
On 26 February, a silent crowd of about three thousand people attended the private memorial service, held at Palazzo Doria, the Italian residence of Shri Mataji in Cabella Ligure, giving a touching and solemn farewell to the mortal remains of his Guru, before they left for India. The next day, Nirmal Dham (near New Delhi), about a hundred thousand people, arranged in a row peacefully mileage, they waited for hours in silence and meditation to give a final bloom to Shri Mataji. The location of the ceremony, followed continuously by the Indian national television, will be built an imposing mausoleum to commemorate the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Shri Mataji was born March 21, 1923 Chindawara in a Christian family, in central India. Since very young he was aware of possessing a unique gift that would then be made available to all humanity. Along with his parents played a key role in the liberation movement in India. As a child he often visited the Mahatma Gandhi in his Ashram, where he lived for a short period. Gandhi immediately recognized the wisdom of that little: the innate understanding of life and the profound sensitivity of Shri Mataji was already so obvious that the Mahatma advised her on matters of a spiritual nature. His father was a close associate of Gandhi and was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India, renowned scholar, he mastered 14 languages \u200b\u200b(also translated the Koran in Marathi).
In 1970, after having fulfilled his duties as a wife and mother, Shri Mataji began to devote himself to seeking a method by which to awaken, by mass, the energy that resides in the sacrum of every human being in the dormant state, the "Kundalini". This event, known as the "self-realization" is the basis of the method of meditation which has given the name of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has made it possible for all those who desire it, discounting the experience of the awakening of its energy, a phenomenon that millions of people around the world in search of themselves and of the truth, they could already experience.
Since 1970, Shri Mataji was then devoted to spreading Sahaja Yoga, offering his lessons free of charge, traveling tirelessly around the world to meet thousands of people, without barriers of religion, community, language, caste or creed. E 'was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996. He has given thousands of lectures and was the subject of hundreds of articles and interviews in the press and broadcasters around the world. He wrote a book published in Italy by the publisher Soul, titled "Meta Modern Era."
His first trip to Italy dates back to 1981, in Rome, and since then has intervened in dozens of meetings in major cities of the Peninsula, appreciating our country to the point establish his summer residence in Cabella Ligure, buying the old palace Doria. Just in Cabella in 2006 established the world headquarters of Sahaja Yoga, creating the "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation" (
In Italy Sahaja Yoga is also present as Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, a non-profit organization that has achieved recognition in 2006 of the Ministry of Social Affairs as an association for social promotion. Shri Mataji has created over the years, many other associations and NGOs in India and in several western countries (among others, the PKSalve Music and Art Academy, the International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre, the center for abandoned women and Prem Nirmal theater company Theatre of Eternal Values).The practice of Sahaja Yoga, now stabilized in more than one hundred countries, has transformed the lives of thousands of people who are now more joyful and balanced, able to exploit their inner spiritual power and achieve greater harmony at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Info:
Posted by email from International Association for Spiritual Consciousness
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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I have spoken often of the various forms of yoga that 'can not only practice in the gym, but everywhere, of course, after have learned the basic principles under the guidance of an experienced teacher . Now let me tell you about another little-known form of yoga Kripalu yoga him.
Kripalu Yoga and 'a form of hatha yoga which is based on meditation on the physical and spiritual healing. While
"The goal of traditional yoga is to bring a practitioner to self-realization. The goal of yoga Kripalu is to develop a healthy body and strong , and a calm mind and wake up ' (from " the Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Manual )
The lessons begin with a series of breathing exercises and continue with a series of positions and final relaxation . Eventually the teacher says Jai Bhagwan instead of namaste. The two terms that have no one but the same meaning, that the first and only 'in Hindi and the second in Sanskrit, they mean "I bow to you."
Kripalu consists of three phases: The first stage is based on body awareness and breath . You learn the positions of classical hatha yoga with relaxation, deep breathing and proper alignment
The objective is the development of mental concentration through the strong flow of prana (energy ) throughout the body. The positions are held for a short period of time after which the muscles are released and take over a period of relaxation.
The second phase 'of the posture. The positions are held for a longer period of time 'long focusing on inner feelings, thoughts and emotions. The purpose of this phase and ' to tune into the prana, which exactly and' intelligent life force that drives the body and mind
Meditation in motion is the third phase .
Prana awakens a deeper level, the energy flows freely , the body moves spontaneously and the ability of the mind to show its activity increases.Kripalu and ' suitable for those who want to work on himself physically and spiritually. is a discipline suited the elderly and those who are 'in overweight given its individual approach, and transfers the benefits of yoga to everyday life not only for and correct the ; posture but also to spread awareness of emotions, feelings and thoughts that continually flow into our minds.
Kripalu and 'for people who want to transform their lives. A more ' We can tell Kripalu and lively ' Kripalu yoga dance , a dynamic mix of dance and yoga . (Video below)
Kripalu Yoga is also a tool for personal growth. The practice teaches you to tap into inner knowledge . You learn to be open to what others have to offer without losing the ability 'to reason and make decisions, strengthens self-esteem and by growing awareness of themselves and of their ability'.
Posted by email from International Association for Spiritual Consciousness
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Returning to systems that use algae, there are several, and also as a cement factory in Alicante ( Spain) has recently put in place a system for recovering waste combustion, which are converted into oil equivalent from the algae. In fact, some algae can "digest" the carbon dioxide and make oil, which has happened on our planet when the air and the seas were green because it is flooded with carbon dioxide. The existence of these algae bring into question the whole issue of global warming and the proposed solution which consists of nuclear and concentration of power in few hands oil. In contrast, carbon dioxide, mostly from natural sources, is more an opportunity than a problem, if approached by nature.So far the world's dictators have managed to keep slaves instead of the energy can be obtained in large quantities by natural and biocompatible.
But there is a news revolution that radically changes the game forever and, even more than hitherto known.
E 'printed in the last 2 months, the news is which was discovered and scientifically proven method to create a free INFINITE ENERGY.
The very fact that it is not all the newspapers and on television every day, or rather is unspoken, shows that there is a mafioso and dictatorial control of the press even over the heads of journalists, which is the same control we have of ' energy. Here's the news
Eng. Rossi, a company in Bologna, has made a scientific demonstration in front of the face of university professors and journalists, a method that produces a lot of energy.
The mechanism works in such a way that a generator can provide those presented in 12 kW power putting out only 0.6 input. It means that energy is produced through some physico-chemical reaction that actually turns the matter. If the scientific paradigm is that you do not create energy from nothing, then you should treat a "cold fusion", which does not produce radioactive waste. But it remains unclear how hydrogen, heated, reacts with the nickel plate. Rossi himself confirmed he did not know, maybe it is a merger, or maybe you should rethink and revise scientific paradigms. But what matters is that it works, and in the scientific discussion. The Wired article that talks about it, but says they are already two years that Jones and colleagues do demonstrations around the world, because their system is production?
Because each of us continues to pay the bill?
Some commentators, and with them I believe that we face the greatest discovery of humanity after the fire, the wheel and iron.
With infinite energy we face the possibility of obtaining clean water from the endless salt water, and cultivate it with the deserts, but also the heart of the earth illuminated by artificial sunlight.
We are faced with the fact that wars for water, oil and food will no longer make sense.
short, we are in front of the Third Age of mankind .
For example, each of us spends about $ 300 per month in energy, which is used for its heating, electricity, gas for their mobility. Without considering how much still has the energy in the production of the food we eat. All this is now free.
Clearly, this freedom from lack of energy, or rather freedom from those who so far has it rationed, it is to upset the whole balance of power in the world today who owns the oil will no longer be the sovereign, and the countries will no longer possess the subject of global terrorism military invasion aimed at resource control.
short, failing the need for oil, war no longer makes sense, but also has more power than that piece of paper that you need to buy it, the dollar. In fact, the black gold since 1971 is the reference system of currencies instead of gold, and then all other currencies and raw materials are purchased in dollars, which are valid in that it buys oil in dollars.
has lived for half a century on this system, with the proviso that those who had the power to print money indefinitely, the Federal Reserve (and not the U.S. that its vassal state) had the power in the hands of the whole world .
change this mechanism, the free energy change the world order, who will return to a plurality of entries forced to cooperate. Plus infinite energy also means infinite capacity for war, the need for peace or the certainty of self-complete.
are several years running in Internet information with regard to various methods of producing Free Energy. One created by the engineer. Rossi, however, seems something else: it is an industrial product that can be bought and put into the house. With just 2000 € you can meet the needs of three families, also for the charging of electric cars, or heating, even making possible the production of fruit and vegetables at home or in the basement, perhaps in hydroponic culture.
It 's the third era of mankind, and the end of the previous world.
The free energy will ensure humanity can easily accommodate at least 5 times the current population, or 30 billion people.
Some will live in great towers as they do already in New York and other big cities. More millions of people may live in the depths of the earth as you do in Montreal during the winter.
The mountains will be excavated and will create in their entrails of Eden natural in many films as you imagine.
infinite energy means a new era, the third note.
One commentator has defined this "The game changer," or what is dictated by law or change the rules.
Whether it is oil from algae or cold fusion, the methods for the freedom we have energy.
The important thing is to begin to observe that those who do not want these scientific freedom is a crime that threatens humanity, and perhaps be organized to block it through the dissemination of knowledge from one person to cross to reduce it to impotence.
detailed chronicle of the experiment presented to the press.
Link Active:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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An Indian holy man, known for its anti-corruption campaigns, decided to sell on the site EBay online auctions its yoga sessions for charity.
The healer Baba Ramdev, who has followers worldwide, has published yesterday an ad for a private yoga lesson in New Delhi at a price of 1000 rupees (about 16 €). Have already flocked numerous requests, now have increased to seven times the initial offer.
The proceeds of the auction, which ends March 25, is devoted to an association that deals with disadvantaged children, and that it 'was founded by former cricketer Kapil Devi. The guru claims to cure various diseases, including AIDS and cancer, thanks to the breathing exercises and meditation that spreads on various television channels in India. Became a staunch opponent the government and the Congress Party, has recently announced plans to found a party to combat tax evasion and dishonesty. .
Posted by email from International Association for Spiritual Consciousness
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The disaster in Japan but also unrest in Africa are leading to the surface the fears towards what has been called the end of the world and second the Maya come December 20, 2012 but according to others it is already showing in its full strength, but not only were the Mayans to predict the end of the world that some would be scheduled for May 2011, two months low. According
religious prophecies based on the Bible on the day of Judgement should be May 21, 2011 and according to the seismologist Faenza Raffaele Bendandi on May 11, 2011 Rome should be shaken by an earthquake so powerful that it destroyed one of its fundamental institutions: according to those who follow these ideas, the earthquake in Rome would be the advance of what will happen on May 21, the day of Judgement.
Then there is the famous theory that Maya December 20, 2012 (12/20/2012 for lovers of numerology) will end the "Long Count" calendar and then the next day, right in the solstice winter, the Sun troverà ò aligned with the center of the Milky Way after 26,000 years, causing the collision between a mysterious planet and Earth.
And always for lovers of the prophecies, always in 2012 is expected an increase in solar activity, the reversal of both the Earth's poles, the eruption of the volcano at Yellowstone and changes in the solar system that will upset the already precarious balance of the Earth.
In fact, the science says that even is taking place, and will occur again, large swings in climate and not just on Earth, is not possible to establish if indeed there is one that the popular belief called "end the world " also because if you look good for the documents found you can 'give a different interpretation of the concept of" fine "meaning by this word the concept of" renewal "and " rebirth. "
Friday, March 18, 2011
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the slopes of the Himalayas, the sacred river Ganga, Rishikesh is called the Indino 'City of the gods', a spiritual center since ancient times has been the destination of holy men, pilgrims and sages. Today, however, the fame of Rishikesh in the West is tied to his being considered the world capital of yoga. If foreigners come to Goa for its wild party, instead arrive in this town in the Himalayas in search of some form of spiritual well-being.
want to meditate, be silent, to discover the secrets of yoga. The same curiosity that prompted Lennon and his companions to visit India in 1960, arriving in this place, to visit their guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in an ashram, which is now abandoned and which, with its rounded shape now swallowed by the jungle, represents one of the attractions of Rishikesh.
The Hindus believe that Rishikesh is the place where the god Vishnu has won the demon Madhu, and consider it one of the holiest places in India, gateway to other places of pilgrimage (Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri): meditation in this sacred place, they believe, leads to salvation. The atmosphere pervades the city, and it is this feeling that charmed the Beatles fifty years ago.
Who comes from abroad, the city offers a variety of schools of yoga and ashram. The largest hotel is located in the lower town and is called Parmarth Niketan Ashram. Welcomes thousands of pilgrims in a clean, simple and sacred. He has over a thousand rooms, and the decor is a mix of simplicity tradizonale and modern conveniences. Every night on the banks of the river, opposite the ashram is held in Ganga Arti, a ritual Hindu prayer. Pilgrims and visitors sing in Rishikesh water's edge, carrying small lamps in tribute to its source of life and prosperity.
If you consider this atmosphere without staying in the ashram, you can book a room at the Hotel Resort near Laxman Jhula Divine. The resort has a view over the river mangnifica: In the morning you can walk up to the small white beaches and do yoga on the sand. The more adventurous can instead organize a rafting along the River. For all, at sunset, the meeting point of Rishkesh is Germany Bakery.
Those who are looking for something more exclusive, the top destination is the famous Rishkesh Ananda Resort , Which is located 14 km from Rishikesh, in the foothills of the Himalayan foothills. Temple of the well-being 'Indiana', the resort offers its guests the best treatments inspired by ayurveda, yoga, and Vedanta. Dressed in white linen pajamas, guests pass by a meditation session at a yoga class, from an Ayurvedic massage to a balanced meal, a wellness program for full-time. The clientele consists of wealthy British, Indians and Russians who arrive each season to prove that the rich of Mumbai is called 'the Ananda Experience'.
addition to the pool and golf course, the hotel can arrange day trips to various locations of surroundings including the Kunjapuri Temple. which offers a spectacular view of Himalayan peaks. The guide takes bikers during the trek, tells stories about the goddess Sati, who is venerated in the temple.
Some guests even stay a month at the Ananda. But walking through the streets of the lower city of Rishikesh, pilgrims and visitors in search of enlightenment, one gets the impression that here is the spiritual heart of the city is more authentic.
Posted by email from International Association for Spiritual Consciousness
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do not remember anything of what is now my mother writes on his blog, but it's a beautiful story and I wanted to share it with you.
What a strange life ...
Only after the death of my brother I knew where he was the original tomb of my father.
Helga Schneider
My father died in December 1980.
was perennially absent and when a parent passed away, I remained silent the location of his grave.
The last time I saw my father was in 1968 in Salzburg. I remember him with a painful heartache. The photo is the one that I own next to him. Such is life sometimes ...
had not seen him for eleven years, we were in complete rupture. But since I became a mother in Italy, I felt the impulse to acquaint them with my son.
So I was left for Salzburg.
But come, I found something in his demeanor irreconcilable, a sort of fierce hostility as if the fierce battles of the past between me and his second wife were always and only occurred because of me.
few days later, discouraged, I decided to return to Italy. Everything was as before: we were distant strangers.
I went by taxi, with the child, to the station. I do not know what's taken ... the fact is that I followed with another taxi, and breathless, stood on the platform.
There was among us a strange embrace, a silent moment meant to last. Then I went with my son in the carriage. I looked out the window. The convoy began to move. I saw my father running beside the train desperately waving his arm. As if he had wanted to arrest him at the last minute to explain. To make things right between us.
Finally, the train took a curve that swallows up its image.
I'd never see again. Informed me of his death after he had already been buried for a fortnight.
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not remember anything of what Today my mother writes on his blog, but it's a beautiful story and I wanted to share it with you.
What a strange life ...
Only after the death of my brother, I knew where the tomb was original my father.
Helga Schneider
My father died in December 1980.
was perennially absent and when a parent passed away, I remained silent the location of his grave.
The last time I saw my father was in 1968 in Salzburg. I remember him with a painful heartache. The photo is the one that I own next to him. Such is life sometimes ...
had not seen him for eleven years, we were in complete rupture. But since I became a mother in Italy, I felt the urge to let him know my son.
So I was left for Salzburg.
But come, I found something in his demeanor irreconcilable a sort of fierce hostility as if the fierce battles of the past between me and his second wife were always and only occurred because of me.
few days later, discouraged, I decided to return to Italy. Everything was as before: we were distant strangers.
I went by taxi, with the child, to the station. I do not know what's taken ... the fact is that I followed with another taxi, and breathless, stood on the platform.
There was among us a strange embrace, a silent moment meant to last. Then I went with my son in the carriage. I looked out the window. The convoy began to move. I saw my father running beside the train desperately waving his arm. As if he had wanted to arrest him at the last minute to explain. To make things right between us.
Finally, the train took a curve that swallows up its image.
I'd never see again. Informed me of his death after he had already been buried for a fortnight.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Gift: "A man Stefania name.
's the best gift you can do to people we care. The fascinating story of Stefan, just beginning in this first novel by Renzo Samaritans, is a journey into the true Christmas to all of us. A change for the protagonist of the book is the first outward and then internalized through a modern mysticism that, despite the pessimism of many, is going through the home of Bologna as a model in Milan, in a subtle change that you can participate if they already not, consciously or not.Renzo had the advantage of being able to communicate emotions and feelings, often very intimate and spiritual, in the form of a message for the times to come and that we are living already in hand. With simple words but in a language that can also be considered sophisticated, a novel that one reads in one breath for a new writer who is already destined to be surprised with the next important books. For now little known but the years are right to give people like me who has already made "A man named Stephen," a landmark day for reflection, sometimes laugh, cry and express emotions in a new and old at the time itself. In a nutshell: to live.
impossible not to appreciate the literary qualities of Renzo Samaritans and we look forward to the next book. Victoria Rinaldi A man named Stephen, Renzo
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Gift: "A man named Stephen."
's the best gift you can do to people we care. The fascinating story of Stefan, just beginning in this first novel by Renzo Samaritans, is a journey into the true Christmas to all of us. A change for the protagonist of the book is the first outward and then internalized through a modern mysticism that, despite the pessimism of many, is going through the home of Bologna as a model in Milan, in a subtle change that you can participate if they already not, consciously or not.Renzo had the advantage of being able to communicate emotions and feelings, often very intimate and spiritual, in the form of a message for the times to come and that we are living already in hand. With simple words but in a language that can also be considered sophisticated, a novel that is law in one breath for a new writer who is already destined to be surprised with the next important books. For now little known but the years are right to give people like me who has already made "A man named Stephen," a landmark day for reflection, sometimes laugh, cry and express emotions in a new and old at the time itself. In a nutshell: to live.
impossible not to appreciate the literary qualities of Renzo Samaritans and we look forward to the next book. Victoria Rinaldi A man named Stephen, Renzo
The Samaritans Boopen Press, 2010 ISBN 978-88-6581-043-9
To the purchase, the publisher's site: Info and Reviews:
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