source. tankerenemy.comSit iis land levis.
NASA: earthquakes are predictable
" WASHINGTON, USA - NASA takes the field with an ad revolutionary seismic forecasting. According to Stuart Eves, who works at the American agency, there is always a close correlation between earthquakes exceeding the fifth degree on the Richter Scale and particular disturbances that occur in the highest, the ionosphere " .
The devastating earthquake that devastated a wide area of \u200b\u200bJapan on March 11, 2011 was an induced phenomenon? E 'can . tectonic Unfortunately the weapons are crazy and that the employees as well. There is much evidence support the hypothesis of artificiality: the hypocenter (10 km), some unwanted energy choices in the system, the clouds "harpizzate" over the site of the disaster, the aftershocks from the epicenter in remote areas and, last but not least, the symbolic mark the date, based on the number 11, a figure which, in esoteric spheres degenerate , and overshadowing the incomplete breakdown. However, recognizing that these circumstances are not sufficient to validate the conjecture above, we intend to publish soon a devastating study which shows that some disasters are unnatural.
The earthquake of magnitude 9.1 that struck Japan has caused the displacement of the Earth of about 10 cm. According NASA geophysicist Richard Gross, the event caused an increase in the Earth's rotation, causing a shortening of 1.6 microseconds duration of the day (a microsecond is a millionth of a second).
Here is the list of seismic events that have caused a shift of the Earth:
- Sumatra quake 26/12/2004: Linear movement of the axis of 7 cm and 2 thousandths of an arcsecond angular ;
- earthquake in Chile: the axis shift of about 8-12 cm;
- Earthquake in Japan: the axis displacement of about 9-11 cm.
Now we try to identify the reasons that might have led to the Dark unleash this terrible upheaval that official media attributed the fatality. It must be said that Japan was the only country in the world has officially begun a serious testing program cold energy, clean energy at no cost that would 'dismiss' the oil companies and dismantle all nuclear power stations.
immediately rises the question: "the powers that control the oil cartel, the banking system and other corporations, was pleased to know that Japan was conducting a program of study with the aim of perfecting cold fusion?"
is clear that Japan was stopped! How? With a great earthquake of course.
Have you noticed the intensity of agitation? The Empire of the Rising Sun is the country with the most effective anti-seismic structure of the world. We must obviously generate enormous shock to cause damage so important.
is necessary to clarify that after the main shock, the one that generated the tsunami, measured at a depth of 10 km , replicas have followed quite powerful, always at a depth of 10 km . It is unequivocally the involvement and use of the weapon HAARP
Nor should there be absolutely ignore the consequences of the explosion at the nuclear plant in Fukushima, about 250 km from Tokyo. The NHK television network showed images of a cloud of white smoke above the plant. The radioactivity is bound to spread to other areas of the planet.
curious and disturbing was the decision by Reuters to remove from the portal of the paper can resulting fallout of the nuclear explosion.
Below are the measurements of the magnetometer (University of Tokyo) that detects ionospheric disturbances produced by HAARP stations, precursors, as is underlined by the same NASA (see quote at the top of the article), earthquakes.
Related Items: C. Belli, Earthquake in Japan: too many coincidences as in Haiti , 2011
C. Penna, Earthquake in Japan: some had expected considering the activity of HAARP , 2011
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