Yogis arriving from around the world, 19 and 20 March, to celebrate what would have been the 88th birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, passed away on February 23 in Genoa. Sahaja Yoga (Sanskrit, "yoga spontaneous") is a spiritual movement founded in 1970 and published today in over one hundred countries. Shri Mataji, a candidate in 1996 for the Nobel Prize for Peace, is considered by many as the most important in the history of spirituality guru
-> 17/03/11 - Thousands of people from around the world are expected on 19 and 20 March in Cabella Ligure (Alessandria) to celebrate what would have been the 88th birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, the disappearance February 23 in Genoa. Sahaja Yoga (Sanskrit, "yoga spontaneous") is a spiritual movement spread to over one hundred countries, embracing the values \u200b\u200band elements of all major religions. Shri Mataji, candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered by many as a major guru in the history of spirituality.
On 26 February, a silent crowd of about three thousand people attended the private memorial service, held at Palazzo Doria, the Italian residence of Shri Mataji in Cabella Ligure, giving a touching and solemn farewell to the mortal remains of his Guru, before they left for India. The next day, Nirmal Dham (near New Delhi), about a hundred thousand people, arranged in a row peacefully mileage, they waited for hours in silence and meditation to give a final bloom to Shri Mataji. The location of the ceremony, followed continuously by the Indian national television, will be built an imposing mausoleum to commemorate the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Shri Mataji was born March 21, 1923 Chindawara in a Christian family, in central India. Since very young he was aware of possessing a unique gift that would then be made available to all humanity. Along with his parents played a key role in the liberation movement in India. As a child he often visited the Mahatma Gandhi in his Ashram, where he lived for a short period. Gandhi immediately recognized the wisdom of that little: the innate understanding of life and the profound sensitivity of Shri Mataji was already so obvious that the Mahatma advised her on matters of a spiritual nature. His father was a close associate of Gandhi and was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India, renowned scholar, he mastered 14 languages \u200b\u200b(also translated the Koran in Marathi).
In 1970, after having fulfilled his duties as a wife and mother, Shri Mataji began to devote himself to seeking a method by which to awaken, by mass, the energy that resides in the sacrum of every human being in the dormant state, the "Kundalini". This event, known as the "self-realization" is the basis of the method of meditation which has given the name of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has made it possible for all those who desire it, discounting the experience of the awakening of its energy, a phenomenon that millions of people around the world in search of themselves and of the truth, they could already experience.
Since 1970, Shri Mataji was then devoted to spreading Sahaja Yoga, offering his lessons free of charge, traveling tirelessly around the world to meet thousands of people, without barriers of religion, community, language, caste or creed. E 'was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996. He has given thousands of lectures and was the subject of hundreds of articles and interviews in the press and broadcasters around the world. He wrote a book published in Italy by the publisher Soul, titled "Meta Modern Era."
His first trip to Italy dates back to 1981, in Rome, and since then has intervened in dozens of meetings in major cities of the Peninsula, appreciating our country to the point establish his summer residence in Cabella Ligure, buying the old palace Doria. Just in Cabella in 2006 established the world headquarters of Sahaja Yoga, creating the "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation" ( http://www.sahajaworldfoundation.org/).
In Italy Sahaja Yoga is also present as Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, a non-profit organization that has achieved recognition in 2006 of the Ministry of Social Affairs as an association for social promotion. Shri Mataji has created over the years, many other associations and NGOs in India and in several western countries (among others, the PKSalve Music and Art Academy, the International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre, the center for abandoned women and Prem Nirmal theater company Theatre of Eternal Values).The practice of Sahaja Yoga, now stabilized in more than one hundred countries, has transformed the lives of thousands of people who are now more joyful and balanced, able to exploit their inner spiritual power and achieve greater harmony at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Info: www.sahajayoga.it
Posted by email from International Association for Spiritual Consciousness
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