Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can U Die From Asthma

End of the World: Earthquake in Rome, the Mayan prophecies and various assumptions

Fine del mondo: terremoto a Roma, profezie Maya e ipotesi varie

The disaster in Japan but also unrest in Africa are leading to the surface the fears towards what has been called the end of the world and second the Maya come December 20, 2012 but according to others it is already showing in its full strength, but not only were the Mayans to predict the end of the world that some would be scheduled for May 2011, two months low. According

religious prophecies based on the Bible on the day of Judgement should be May 21, 2011 and according to the seismologist Faenza Raffaele Bendandi on May 11, 2011 Rome should be shaken by an earthquake so powerful that it destroyed one of its fundamental institutions: according to those who follow these ideas, the earthquake in Rome would be the advance of what will happen on May 21, the day of Judgement.

Then there is the famous theory that Maya December 20, 2012 (12/20/2012 for lovers of numerology) will end the "Long Count" calendar and then the next day, right in the solstice winter, the Sun troveràò aligned with the center of the Milky Way after 26,000 years, causing the collision between a mysterious planet and Earth.

And always for lovers of the prophecies, always in 2012 is expected an increase in solar activity, the reversal of both the Earth's poles, the eruption of the volcano at Yellowstone and changes in the solar system that will upset the already precarious balance of the Earth.

In fact, the science says that even is taking place, and will occur again, large swings in climate and not just on Earth, is not possible to establish if indeed there is one that the popular belief called "end the world " also because if you look good for the documents found you can 'give a different interpretation of the concept of" fine "meaning by this word the concept of" renewal "and " rebirth. "


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