Monday, February 23, 2009

Stouffers Outlet Solon Ohio

Just emergence

Dover quitting emergence I decided to switch to intrepid ibex . The choice seems to have been good, no apparent problem with the driver, write to ntfs with fuse is ok, the ATI drivers working.
There are some delays with the graphics in handcuffs and full-screen applications, the only issue to be resolved.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Burning Feet When I Run


growing number of changes made to wiki, I could not screenschottare this.
Meanwhile I started a new voice in radical changes. We hope to be good ...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Have Ovulation Pains On Yaz

What interesting game

I did not know that the women's water polo was so interesting ... go you! I could begin to follow ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Calories After Anorexia

what's left? Galina

Just in the last few days I was reading the amazing capacity of the new batteries installed on the new MacBook 17''. They provide 8 hours of battery life, 1000 charging cycles (about 3 times the charge cycles of a standard battery) and then about 5 years old. This means that they (the amazing apple engineers), the battery of my macbook should last about 1 year and 8 months with about 330 charge cycles. Unhealthy in my life I kept a chart of the health status of my battery (the nominal value of 5200 mAh, as noted by the new were higher mAh):
Now, my battery has 121 charge cycles in 1 year and 3 months, so I expect that in 5 months or faint that I could last for quite a few years (or more)? mah ...